Magical Power of Quantum Mechanics

Would you like to predict organic reaction outcomes accurately? Design synthetic sequences with higher rate of success?


Would you prefer to learn and rationalize organic chemistry in a data-driven manner?


Quantum Mechanics (QM) tools for chemistry are evolving at a tremendously fast pace and have proven to be invaluable for organic and medicinal chemists.


If you are interested in incorporating validated QM tools into your chemistry workflow, please contact us at


If you are interested in getting a copy of our eBook, “Quantum Mechanics for Organic Chemists: An Experimentalist Approach”, Third Edition.


Download E-book

  • Application of LUMO in Nucleophilic Reactions
  • Application of HOMO in Electrophilic Reactions
  • Application of Electrostatic Potential Map in Acidity Estimation
  • Application of Conformational Analyses & HOMO Map for Stereo-selectivity Prediction
  • Sequential Cross Coupling Reactions of Polyhalogenated Heterocycles
  • Stepwise Multiple Halogenation Coupling Reaction Strategies
  • LUMO Analysis of Electrophiles (Part II)
  • Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Hammond’s Postulate
  • Application of Electrostatic Potential Map in Acidity Estimation

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