
Have Fun in RCS

WuXi AppTec advocate a positive lifestyle in addition to passion for work. Here you have opportunities to join diversified cultural and sports activities to present yourself, keep fit and make friends.

Have Passion in RCS

Today, our industry is entering an unprecedented golden era of innovation, where data meets knowledge, and technology meets healthcare. Where the future of R&D will be defined by a profoundly different model. A model where more and more scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, doctors, and patients will work together and participate in innovation, thanks to data, technologies, and a connected new healthcare ecosystem centered on patient needs. At WuXi AppTec, we will continue to relentlessly enhance our enabling platform with the most comprehensive capabilities and the most cutting-edge technologies by working together and enabling others. Our goal is to build the foundations upon which any one, and any company, can be empowered to realize their innovation dreams.

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